Greetings, homo...sapien. Welcome to the blog of SAC CCA Leaders 09'.
Student Leadership Camp
Sunday, May 31, 2009 @ 5:42 AM


As you all know, there is a student leadership camp coming up really soon. If you havent found out the dates yet, its from the 5 June 2009, 6pm - 6 June 2009, 2pm. Venue is in school. I highly encourage you all to go for this camp as it provides leadership training, opportunities to plan projects for implementation in Semester 2 like Aces Day and Sports Carnival and to introduce service learning. We really need the help of all you guys. Please TRY to make it for this camp as we need to start planning our Fiji and Poland dance for Aces Day. We need it ready by July. Please cooperate with me and start researching for any dance moves. We will probably be working with the modern and indian dancers, CCA leaders. So, Diang, Shariffah, Beryl and Meredith, please help us plan out a dance routine. As you all know, WE (Christine, Jane, Michelle) cant dance. So, please help us create a dance. We can do it guys!